Sunday, June 5, 2011

attention def ... oooh, shiny!

Hi there.
Awgh, mein hungover and sunburnt head makes me want to just lie on the floor with my laptop, eat blackberries and listen to songs about Minecraft. While doing so, I'm having a look at my files.
This first one is part of something I want to post properly at one point. The rest is a bunch of quick studies, the few things I managed to scan before my scanner/printer-thing died a very premature death (I've only had it for a few months!), and warmup doodlings.


trenchmaker said...

sehr schöne Sachen dabei. Beim ersten brenne ich, es fertig zu sehen. Ansonsten fällt es bei deinen Sachen immer schwer, bei den ganzen Sachen einen Favouriten zu finden.
Im Moment- und passend zum Wetter- das sunglasses chick. ;)

Denys said...

Alle Bilder sind toll! Ihre Zeichnungen haben mir viel Spaß gemacht ♥ Keep it up!

Amz said...

Amaazing! I love the rain piece, and all your studies... Everything you do, really. You're so talented, it makes me feel useless! I also want to try harder looking at your studies. n__n Brilliant. xo

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Man, it's rare when you post but when you do it's always a treat. ♥

Since my skype died... I'm getting those books you mentioned soon! Have to take care of some cavities before that, but once those are out of the way, those books shall be mine!

I honestly don't know which one is my favorite, but I really do love the concept for the first image. :D Very nice, and different colors from you as well. Please finish it!

Peace, homes!

Kuro the cat said...

Seriously, your work is insaneee. When are you gonna make some kind of art book of your work?? XD Also, do you make your own brushes or find them online? They're awesome! xx

Daria said...

Duuuuude, ich komm nicht drüber weg wie super du bist D: Diese Farben, die Texture Sachen... hng!

Nadia Enis said...

wow da mausert sich ja jmd extremst :D

AK said...

you're just insane.
there are so many good ideas, great observations, wonderfull colorschemes and so much... things to discover ALONE IN YOUR SKETCHES!

is the irisierende picture there - the bigger one for the wip - for a project? i suspect this, because the maren never uses clean layers!

i would frame almost every thing.
and the elaine <3 is amazing. sometimes i just want to live on your head to see what you see.

Antony said...

Woaw that's some really pretty stuff. I wish I could draw like you...

Stacy LeFevre said...

Your brush strokes in your studies are to weep for! They're so simple yet strong. And even in pencil, you don't overdue it. Really nice! I love the last picture you posted, such an interesting concept. Can't wait to see more!

chibiaion said...

Bloody brilliant! Not an english but kinda feels like saying that one. :D Awesome post. buy aion account

Antony said...

Awww where are you? I missed your drawing, please come back D:

Adam Temple said...

Your work is amazing! I'm following your tumblr now because it seems you don't use this...

Kyu-bum Lee said...

Oh man. I know this is an old post but it's so amazing.