Thursday, November 19, 2009

A walk in the park

Practice-doodle-things, more or less based on reference photos I took on my many journeys through abandoned industrial areas... I'm gonna need a whole lot more practice until I'll be able to do half decent speedpaintings. But here are some first tries :' /
35 Minutes, photoshop:

I recorded the drawing process, so that I can re-watch it and see where I'm going wrong, but maybe someone else might find this interesting, too.
Video is sped up to 7 minutes (Open it in a new tab please, if you open it in this window, it gets all distorted...I have no idea why that happens):

And a bunch of others, these are really crappy, must keep an eye on colors to keep them from getting so muddy... should draw in b/w first, too. Values are all messed up.
About 15 -20 minutes each, without reference except for the last one:


Prime_R. said...

ooo~ Love the old warehouse scenery! Watching you work, too, is excellent!

Unknown said...

I've always liked your industrial images, i don't know why, it might be the slight architect coming out in me. They're really well done for the time you spent doing them, well i reckon they are anyway.

Anonymous said...

Macht Laune sich das Video anzuschauen. Werd mein Tablet demnächst wohl auch mal wieder ausgraben.Echt klasse Arbeit, weiter so!

P-9 said...

I always loved your speed paintings, and all of these are no exception. Its beautiful what you can create in such short amounts of time. And the video is really wonderful, an excellent learning tool for others as well, thank you.

Iru said...

Hammer..einfach nur hammer oo die bilder inspirieren mich total, dass ich mich auch mal nochmal daran setze BG´s zu üben. Die Animation ist für mich sehr lehreich T_T ich fange immer total falsch an und brauche dann stunden...
herrje einfach super ich bewundere das total T_T!! danke für diesen super post <3

shalala said...

siehste? SIEHSTE? was sag ich?
alles cooooool : DD!
also next time bitte nich solche gedanken Q__Q!

Anonymous said...

Aw! great work especially on the first one! I luv the different brushes you used!

Ashira said...

God you're so amazing to me.

White-Shade said...

Sieht klasse aus. Das is der Landschaftspark in Duisburg, oder?

Katzu said...

Einfach erste Sahne!
Das Video ist genial! Vielen Dank für den Einblick in deinen Arbeitsprozess, ich finde, man kann dabei immer so viel lernen!
Mach jedenfalls weiter so! Du hasts einfach drauf!