Thursday, June 3, 2010

Photostream I

I'm starting to dig through my millions of photos little by little, and I guess I'll be postin' some now and then.
Here's a first little batch : )
Shalala and I went to see an exhibition at Phoenix Halle nearby, and afterwards we walked over to the abandoned blast furnace, even though it started to rain like crazy.
At first I was sad because I thought I wouldn't be able to take any nice photos and that my camera wouldn't survive it, but the rain and the returning sunlight afterwards created a quite beautiful atmosphere. Even though I ruined my almost completely white outfit by jumping through puddles of muddy water, I was very happy about the weather at the end of the day.

And three of an abandoned house right next to the place:


Riaru said...

pretty damn beautiful! ;n; so ne gegend hätt ich auch gern um die ecke, he

x said...

Ahh wow these are all so gorgeous!

riotingcutlery said...

Ein Händchen für Fotografie hast du also auch :D
Richtig schöne Atmosphären hast du da eingefangen und den Regen hast du ja auch ausgenutzt. Hut ab! Das sind echt geniale Fotos :)

ICO said...

I'm pretty sure drippy abandoned places are awesome, so even though the photos are unclear because of the rain, they still look very cool.

John Patrick Deza said...

magst du industrie gebiete?

Maren said...

Hier gibt's unzählige solcher Orte (auch noch viiiel größere alte Industrieanlagen in Duisburg und Essen zB), von Phoenix ist echt nur noch ganz wenig übrig, und ist eigentlich auch nicht zugänglich....das Tor war offen wir sind nich Schuld wir haben ja auch nix angefasst o_o°

I'm glad you think so, photography is not my forte D8

Danke! Heikel war's, konnten uns zeitweise keinen zentimeter vom Fleck bewegen mit unserem einen klapprigen Schirm xD
Und was Fotografie angeht bin ich nich wirklich mit skills gesegnet, das is hier alles 99% Photoshop-Nachbearbeitung.


Ich lieb' Industriegebiete, bin schließlich aus dem Ruhrpott ; >

Unknown said...

mm architecture, i've always had a bit of an inkling in regards to it. Might be because my old man used to be a draftsman. In any case, nice photos, something about old abandoned industrial things that have a certain air about them, eerieness? Words...i dunno, good to see you still updating though, keep cracking at it!

Sley | Flynn said...

Wow die Photos sind richtig klasse!

OKD said...

Geez! Among thos are some of the best photos I ever saw in my life! I'm not into photography by myself so much though..